One of the best investments you can make for your laundry is training your employees. Staff members are not only one of the biggest expenses in the laundry, but they are also your most important resource because even the finest laundry machinery still needs people to operate it. Training your employees has many advantages for businesses, but these are the top six.
Your equipment have cutting-edge features that will benefit your company financially, time-wise, and in terms of maintaining linen quality and enhancing safety. The features of the washers and dryers are frequently not being utilised by staff when our laundry experts conduct site evaluations for laundry facilities.
Increase hygiene
To achieve outstanding hygiene, many small measures must be taken. Sadly, this means that these steps are frequently overlooked or forgotten because they are often undervalued for their input to maintaining a laundry's hygienic conditions. An effective way to be reminded of the significance of these simple actions is through staff training.
Improved efficiency
Washers and dryers are more likely to be overloaded and underloaded by untrained laundry employees. This can cause a variety of problems, including increased resource use, decreased linen throughput, unbalanced washing machines, improperly cleaned linen, and incomplete drying of linen.
Consistent quality
Lack of training will probably lead to laundry staff performing tasks in a variety of methods, each of which will yield a different outcome. By streamlining your business and establishing industry best practices, laundry education will produce consistently high-quality linen results.
Better employee safety
Operating commercial washers, dryers, and ironers is repetitive, strenuous work. Staff who lack the necessary knowledge may put themselves in danger of harm. Due to the gas connections and exhaust ducting, commercial laundries also have a built-in risk of fire. The likelihood of an accident is reduced with the correct laundry operator training, which will emphasise these dangers and show how to work safely in this setting.